Reese Witherspoon
Mindy Kaling
and Martha Stewart
Let's just focus on Martha for this post. Now a few years ago I was watching Martha's Daytime show and she was telling everyone how she takes a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar everyday. She just poured it onto a spoon and drank it! I had a mean girls moment... If Martha does something, I'm going to do it too because it's Martha Freaking Stewart. So I poured it on a spoon, brought it to my lips ...and I think I almost died! Apple cider vinegar is disgusting. It has this insanely strong odor. I just couldn't do it. Fast forward about 4 years to now.
I've started eating grapefruit with my breakfast and lunch. Half before breakfast, half before lunch. It's got tons of vitamin C, Lycopene (it's an antioxidant so it fights oxygen free radicals which can damage cells), Limonoids (they inhibit tumor formation! One word: detox). It lowers cholesterol, prevents kidney stones (which is good if you eat lots of spinach because it's high in oxalates which could form stones) and protects against colon cancer (my gram's had colon cancer). In summation, it's an awesome fruit ....and it's just such a pretty color.
Let me try to get to the point here. I found this on Pinterest. It's a drink that's is supposed to detox and promote weight loss.
1 cup grapefruit juice
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon honey
Drink that before every meal. So I'm going to try to do this. I had some before breakfast except I used 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey. I need to ease into it so I won't be too traumatized to do it again. I poured it over an ice filled glass and let it get freezing cold first and it actually wasn't that bad... as long as I didn't breathe through my nose. I'm going to keep doing this and report my results.