Feb 27, 2014

Mindy Stewartspoon

There are 3 women that I look up to and strive to be an amalgam of.

Reese Witherspoon
Mindy Kaling
and Martha Stewart
Let's just focus on Martha for this post. Now a few years ago I was watching Martha's Daytime show and she was telling everyone how she takes a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar everyday. She just poured it onto a spoon and drank it! I had a mean girls moment...
If Martha does something, I'm going to do it too because it's Martha Freaking Stewart. So I poured it on a spoon, brought it to my lips ...and I think I almost died! Apple cider vinegar is disgusting. It has this insanely strong odor. I just couldn't do it. Fast forward about 4 years to now.

I've started eating grapefruit with my breakfast and lunch. Half before breakfast, half before lunch. It's got tons of vitamin C, Lycopene (it's an antioxidant so it fights oxygen free radicals which can damage cells), Limonoids (they inhibit tumor formation! One word: detox). It lowers cholesterol, prevents kidney stones (which is good if you eat lots of spinach because it's high in oxalates which could form stones) and protects against colon cancer (my gram's had colon cancer). In summation, it's an awesome fruit ....and it's just such a pretty color.

Let me try to get to the point here. I found this on Pinterest. It's a drink that's is supposed to detox and promote weight loss.

1 cup grapefruit juice
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon honey

Drink that before every meal. So I'm going to try to do this. I had some before breakfast except I used 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey. I need to ease into it so I won't be too traumatized to do it again. I poured it over an ice filled glass and let it get freezing cold first and it actually wasn't that bad... as long as I didn't breathe through my nose. I'm going to keep doing this and report my results.

Feb 25, 2014

Livestrong Calorie Tracker

Ok so I just got the Livestrong Calorie Tracker and it's the greatest thing ever.
Honestly it's exactly like Weight Watchers except EASIER! You don't have to worry about points, just calories. You answer a few questions, and it calculates your target net calories for the day.
Then, all you have to do its record all your calories in, record how many calories burnt from working out and enter your weight. Of course you'll still need to make healthy choices. 300 calories of bacon isn't the same as 300 calories of salad but this app definitely helps keep me on track.
There's also community posts that are sometimes helpful... I don't use them.
There's even a place to track your daily water intake.
For those who have not heard this, apparently the amount of water you're supposed to drink depends on your weight. Here's what you do...
Take your weight, divide it by 2. That's how many ounces. Then divide that by 8. That's how many cups. Example...
I got this from Five Below for $4 or $5. This way I always have water at my desk at work and I have no excuse not to meet my goal.

Feb 24, 2014

If You Liked It Then You Should Have Put A Monogram On It

Have you ever noticed how a certain smell can remind you of a point in your childhood? I've realized now that my public elementary school always had this aroma of egg salad sandwiches and paste. My catholic school on the other hand smelled distinctly of egg salad sandwiches and guilt.

I just bought myself a lunch bag for work. $4.99 at Homegoods. So naturally I'd like to get it monogrammed but surprisingly I have no idea how to get this done. Everything I've had monogrammed was purchased that way. So, I did some research on where to get an already owned item monogrammed.

1. Your dry cleaner or tailor might have this service. Mine does, however their choices of thread color are a bit limited.

2. The mall. A lot of malls have a little kiosk or store even that can personalize gifts. At Woodbridge Center Mall there's a store called Embroidery Place.

3. If all else fails, go to yellowpages.com and search embroidery.

Feb 20, 2014

There's a hole in this cake...

Hey everybody! I made a bundt cake! It was just ok because I overbaked it a bit. But other than that it was great!
So this is a good recipe for a cake to serve with tea or coffee I think. It doesn't have a significant flavor so it won't interfere with or overpower the tea. That said, it is pretty rich ... it is a Kentuky Butter Cake. The name just tells you what you're in for. 
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
2 sticks butter, softened
2 cups light brown sugar
4 eggs
2 teaspoons bourbon or rum (optional)
1 cup buttermilk

1/2 cup (1 stick) butter
1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Coat the inside of a bundt pan with Pam. I like to spray a light coat, then wipe with a paper towel so that you get grease into all the nooks, and then spray again heavily.

Combine flour, salt, baking powder, baking soda and set aside.
In a large bowl cream butter until smooth (about 1-2 minutes). Add sugar and beat for 5 minutes until fluffy. Add eggs one at a time scraping down the sides of the bowl with a rubber spatula after each addition. If using bourbon/rum combine with buttermilk. Add half of the flour mixture to the butter-sugar mixture (scrape bowl). Add the buttermilk (scrape bowl). Add remaining flour (scrape bowl). Be careful not to over mix your batter.

Pour batter into the bundt pan and with the back of a spoon (sprayed with Pam) Push the batter about 1 inch up the outside wall just to coat it. Then bake for 55 to 60 minutes. (I baked mine for 60... I probably should have checked it with a tooth pick at 50 minutes. Live and learn.)

10 minutes before your cake is done prep the glaze.

Combine the ingredients in a sauce pan and heat on low until sugar is dissolved. Be careful not to let this boil. I was having trouble getting my sugar to dissolve so once I ran out of patience I added about 3 tablespoons of water (1 tablespoon at a time).... it helped a little I think.

So once the cake is done, while it's still in the pan, take a skewer (I used a chopstick) and poke about 20 holes all around the bottom. Then spoon your glaze into the holes so that the cake absorbs it. If you need more holes, poke away... do whatever you need to do to get all of the glaze in the cake.

Let the cake cool for about 15 minutes. If you want you can level it so that it lays flat on your serving dish, but I didn't. Then invert onto a cake pedestal or platter, it should fall right out. If you choose not to level your cake and the space between it and the platter bothers you, just put a ring of fresh berries around the bottom to hide it. Finally dust with powdered sugar. Enjoy!

Feb 16, 2014

Nail-biters Anonymous

Step 1. I have a problem. I've been biting my nails ever since I was an itty bitty girl.

Ok so I'm going to stop biting my nails starting today. The Internet told me that it takes 21 days to break a habit. And if the Internet said it, it must be true. So I did some research and here are some tips to stop biting your nails.

Always have a nail file on hand
This is a good tip. Most of the time when I want to bite my nails it's because they're getting caught on fabric. Smooth nail = no urge to "smooth" it out with your teeth.

Look at cute nail art to keep you motivated
Thanks to Pinterest I'm constantly bombarded with adorable nail designs that I pin but never attempt. That's what initially made me want to stop biting my nails for good.

Take a multivitamin
I read that nail biting could be a response to a nutrient deficiency. This goes back to caveman days... Apparently we're biologically programmed to get vital minerals from the gunk under our nails. Gross right? If that's not enough to make you want to stop biting your nails I don't know what is. So take your Flintstones, don't be one.

Stay Busy
Nail biting addicts, like yours truly, bite when they're bored. So keep your hands busy. Knitting, making friendship bracelets, playing with silly putty or play doh, rubiks cube, braiding hair or yarn... the fringe on a scarf... it doesn't matter really. Texting! Or better yet... file your nails!

And if all else fails...
Wear gloves!
Not really, but I just love the way they look.
I'll report my results in 21 days.

Feb 14, 2014

The Perfect "Me-Date"

Happy Valentine's Day Y'all! Unfortunately because of the snow I had to postpone/reschedule my date. Booo! So since I'll be spending V-day alone, I figured I might as well use the special occasion to love myself. (Don't be gross... that's not what I mean.) With how busy things have been lately I haven't had much "me time." So in honor of Valentine's day I have a romantic evening planned for myself. Here's what I'll be doing.

1. A Romantic dinner for one? Skinnytaste.com's Chicken Cordon Bleu is my absolute favorite and it's way easier than it looks. The recipe yield 12 pieces, but there ain't nothing wrong with leftovers. The more I make now, the less I have to make later. And if you're the type of person that gets tired of the same thing, you can mix this recipe up with different "fillings."
- 2 ham and Swiss
- 2 prosciutto and provolone
- 2 feta and sun dried tomato
- 2 goat cheese and spinach
- 2 pesto and mozzarella
...coming up with the last one is always the hardest. Oh!
- 2 pepperoni and mozzarella
Get creative with it. And it's chicken so it goes with my favorite white wine. That's number 2...

2. White wine. I don't really drink much, but treating yourself to a glass of wine every now and then does the body and soul good. It helps relieve stress and relaxes the muscles. After a particularly rough week I can actually feel how much stress I've been carrying in my neck. Studies show it's also good for your heart and increases libido, and if that doesn't say Happy Valentine's Day I don't know what does. So with dinner and wine in hand I'm going to light some candles and plop myself in front of my TV. There's number 3.

3. Watching the Notebook. I don't like to cry around people but I'm a mushy girl and I really do love this movie. Perfect me-time entertainment.

4. Mani/Pedi... once I'm finished with dinner of course. Winter has a nasty habit of drying out your hands... especially your cuticles. And even though I won't be wearing any opened toed shoes any time soon, a nice brightly colored pedicure just makes me feel closer to summer and warmth and sunshine.

5. Online shopping. Ohhhh yeah. The best way to love yourself is to treat yourself to something special. I have my eye on these...
after a few glasses of wine it'll probably be way easier to put out... I mean, shell out the obscene amount of money for them.
And these...

And these...
I'm actually really looking forward to this me-date. Happy Valentine's Day!

Feb 11, 2014

Makeup: Self-Confidence Applied Directly to Face

So my coworker requested a breakdown of how I do my makeup and what products I use. The best part of my routine is that I get a natural flawless look without paying those obscene Sephora prices. Now I'm not saying these are the best products/techniques but they work for me and I have no complaints. So here goes.

I use 810 because I'm super pale but I could probably get away with using 820 in the summer. I think it’s always better to go lighter if you’re on the fence because you can adjust the color with a bronzer.

I just apply this with my hands. I tried using a sponge but I felt like I was wasting a lot of the foundation and I’m trying to get my money’s worth here. I even store the bottle upside down when the pump stops working so I can get every last drop. You can still get like 4 or 5 applications out of it.

When you’re applying the foundation, make sure to blend it to your neck. You don’t want a harsh line where the makeup just stops. The neck is a very forgiving place to blend your make up down because there’s usually a shadow to disguise any flaws.

This stuff is amazing. It’s the best pressed powder I’ve ever used. It’s not cakey like some others and it doesn’t have a strong odor like most that I’ve tried. It’s very light so you don’t feel like you’re wearing makeup. It looks natural and I haven’t found it to clog my pores. Anyway, (I use translucent) I apply this with a full brush. I use the EcoTools Tapered Blush Brush. You can get this at Target or Harmons. Actually, everything I use can be bought at Harmons and you can use those 20% off Bed Bath and Beyond coupons. Harmons also has a lot of sales and coupons for Physicians Formula. Their manufacturer prices can be a bit intimidating so that’s something to keep in mind.

3. Blush.

I don’t have a specific brand here and I don’t buy it that often because most blush compacts last a really long time. NYX has some nice shades all for a very reasonable price. I use an angled blush brush, and apply along my cheekbone (smile to make your cheeks more pronounced to find the area that should be blushed). Don't try to paint 2 circles on the apples of your cheek... you're not a wooden soldier.

4. This is when I apply eye shadow and eyeliner but I’ll save that for another post.  

This is the secret weapon. The most important touch. Honestly, if you wanted to keep using your own foundation and powder and just add this that would probably make a difference too. I use this in 2 shades as a bronzer (Light Bronzer) and highlighter (Translucent). So I use the bronzer to frame my face. You’re basically going to start at your hairline and then wrap around until you get to your cheekbone. Then just bring it in slightly under your cheekbone and then back round your jawbone. Everyone says to make the shape of the number 3. Then I just use the highlighter (Translucent) on my forehead/brow area and my cheek/under my eyes and nose. Basically the middle of your face.

So, that’s what I do. I hope y'all found this helpful.

Feb 10, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! This is one of my favorite holidays for one reason. My Grandpa. Now, this man is not sentimental. He's always yelling and angry and mad at the world. But, every year he drives to my house while my sisters and I are at work or school and he leaves us Valentines. Usually a flower of some sort and a heart shaped box of chocolates and a card (with money inside because that's what grandparents do).

So in honor of Valentine's Day I've baked cupcakes! "Bananas About You!" and "I Love You Berry Much!" Chocolate cake with chocolate fudge filling and either banana or strawberry frosting. I'm in love. The filling is store bought because I was lazy but they're still amazing!

1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup + 2 tablespoons flour
1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
3/4 teaspoons baking soda
3/4 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup canola oil (I used vegetable oil)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup BOILING water

Preheat the oven to 350° and line a cupcake pan(s) with 12-15 paper liners. (I doubled the recipe and got 28)

Sift together all of the dry ingredients into a large bowl. Add the egg, milk, oil and vanilla and beat together with an electric mixer until combined.

Scrape the sides of the bowl and add the boiling water, mix until just combined but smooth.

The batter will be SUPER watery.  It's unsettling and you'll probably think you did something wrong. You didn't, it's perfect. Check out the picture for proof. Then I use an ice cream scoop to distribute the batter evenly into the liners. The batter is so runny though, you could probably just use a 1/4c measuring cup. If you're making minis use a Tbsp spoon.
Bake in preheated oven for 20-22 minutes or until a toothpick tests clean. Remove from oven and cool before filling and frosting. I usually put them in the refrigerator.

I used Mrs. Richardson's Hot Fudge because that's what I found at the grocery store. They even have a fat free version... which I stayed away from naturally. I just filled a piping bag fitted with an extra large star piping tip and just jammed it into the cupcake... I used to core the cupcakes but they're so moist the corer/spoon/knife (I tried it all) it just got all clumpy. Stab and squeeze method works just fine. Throw them back in the fridge.

Strawberry Frosting (Frosts 15-20 cupcakes)
1 1/2 Sticks of unsalted butter softened
1/2 cup frozen strawberries thawed
2 tsp granulated sugar
(1/4 tsp cornstarch)
1 tsp vanilla
4 cups powdered sugar
pinch of salt

Chop the strawberries in a food processor. Then heat them in a sauce pan with the granulated sugar on m low heat for about 10 minutes until it reduces and thickens up a bit. If it's really REALLY runny add about 1/4 tsp of cornstarch (I did).

Let the strawberry goo cool in the refrigerator.*

While that's going beat the butter until white and fluffy, about 10 minutes.

Once the butter is white-ish add the vanilla and mix until incorporated. Then add about half of the powdered sugar 1 cup at a time mixing until smooth each time. Now as long as the strawberries are cooled, throw them in and mix until smooth. Then continue adding the sugar 1 cup at a time. Throw in a pinch of salt and beat on high for about 10 minutes.

If it's too soupy add more powdered sugar.

Then fit a piping bag with a large tip and add a swirl of frosting onto the completely cooled cupcakes.
*I prepped the strawberry sauce and let it cool before I even baked the cupcakes

Banana Frosting (Frosts 15-20 cupcakes)
1 1/2 Sticks of unsalted butter softened
1 very ripe banana
1 tsp vanilla
4 cups powdered sugar
pinch of salt

Mash the banana completely with absolutely no chunks.

Beat the butter until white and fluffy, about 10 minutes.Then add the vanilla and banana mush and mix until incorporated. Then add the powdered sugar 1 cup at a time, mixing until smooth. Throw in a pinch of salt and beat on high for about 10 minutes.

Then fit a piping bag with a large tip and add a swirl of frosting onto the completely cooled cupcakes.
Voila! Enjoy.

Feb 7, 2014

Baby It's Cold Outside

So winter sucks. It's cold and it makes your skin all dry and your lips chapped. Solution? Exfoliate and moisturize! (Also, limit your salt intake and drink plenty of water.)

So I've started exfoliating with a homemade concoction of Epsom salt and Vaseline.

What You'll Need:
A plastic container
2 plastic forks
1/4 cup Vaseline
2 cups Epsom salt
Loofah Mitt/Pad

1. Mix the Epsom salt and Vaseline in the plastic container using the 2 forks.
2. That's it.

(I usually do this after I put conditioner in my hair, before rinsing it out.)

So you just exfoliate with the dry loofah pad in a circular motion. It works amazingly on elbows, knees and ankles. So it's definitely a great scrub for before a spray tan. If you're shaving your legs... do not use this in the same shower session. It burns like crazy.

What's great about this is you don't really need to moisturize after because you exfoliated and moisturized in one step, but if you feel like your skin could use some extra hydration I like to use Hawaiian Tropic After Sun Moisturizer. Aloe if great for you skin no mater the season. Plus, the smell puts me in a warm and sunny state of mind even though it's cold and miserable outside.

Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Who wants to kiss chapped lips? No one.

What You'll Need:
1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
2 Tbsp Sugar
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
Small cosmetic jar

1. Heat the coconut oil in the microwave until it's a liquid
2. Mix in the sugar and vanilla
3. Rub some on your lips with your finger and then just keep rubbing your lips together for about a minute. Don't forget about the corners of your mouth.
4. Wipe/lick it off and apply some Vaseline
